Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Last Nights in India

As I write this, we've just docked by a farm on a river in Kerala. I'm on a houseboat, lying on the top deck, and feeling quite happy that this is how I'm spending my final night in India.

Kerala was beautiful, and certainly yet another side of India. (A lush, jungle, mountainous side - to be specific.) I opted to sleep in yesteday (Which meant I woke up at 7:00am instead of 5:30 as usual) and went to breakfast. Then Marian, Theresa and I went for a "spice walk" at a spice plantation. We learned all types of things about plants and spices.  Did you know that cinnamon and bay leaves come from the same plant? Or that white pepper is just black pepper with the skin removed? The walk lasted about one hour, and then we spent time buying lots of spices. From there, we shopped around town a little bit.

Next was the Kerala massage. I should have done more research because I was expecting something relaxing. Not the case. Without going into too much detail, I will just say that I'm a big fan of sheets, coverups, less oil, and less...er... exposure. Yeah, not relaxing.  But it was an experience - I can say that!

Then the day ended with a martial arts show and a "dancing" show which included traditional Kerala demonstrations. Fire, knives, swords, eye dancing, facial movements.... I will need to post pictures to fully explain.  Then the next morning we took our bus to Kochi and loaded the houseboat around one. It was a beautiful boat, and going down the river was the perfect end to the trip.

So.... that was Kerala. Relaxing, calm, beautiful. Perfect end to the perfect trip.

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