Sunday, January 22, 2012

Why India?

One of the benefits of returning to grad school is the opportunity to visit another country with my classmates.  Last semester I was waffling between going to India or China for my global connections trip, but once I saw the India presentation, heard about the trip, and talked to the trip's leadership, I was set.

India is a country I can't imagine visiting on my own, without having some outside reason like a business trip guiding me there. However, it's a place that has long been on my "Must See" list. I think I was first exposed to the beauty of the country in high school, when we studied the Taj Mahal in art history.  Other smaller things have peaked my interest - such as a love of Bollywood dancing, watching Slumdog Millionaire, and watching Eat Pray Love - and now that I'm officially visiting in March I can't think of any place I want to go more.

This blog will be a reflection of my global class at McCombs, my experience in India, and my reflections throughout the journey.  Please feel free to add to the conversation!

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