Wednesday, February 29, 2012

T- 2 days!!

Just thought I'd take a short study break to say that I'm heading to India in 48 hours!!! I should probably start thinking about packing at some point.

I've been immersed in "A Fine Balance" and I'm about 500 pages (of 650) in. I am reading it every chance I get - maybe to the ill-fate of my final exam on Friday - and I just love it. I feel like I have such a new perspective of India from reading this book.  I am so appreciative of things like indoor plumbing, hot water, water (in general), and space. It will be crazy to see the slums in person...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

7 more nights!

By seven more nights, I mean that I have 7 more nights until I am packing - last minute of course - for my trip!! Because I leave on March 2nd. And I can't wait!!

We watched presentations on Mumbai & Ahmadabad yesterday. I'm actually really excited to go to the Indian businesses and see how things are done. I can't even begin to imagine at this point.

I have so much that I'm thinking, but it's hard to put it into words. So, I will just say that I am so excited and can't wait to update this again from India! :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Agra & The Clay Pit

Today we heard a presentation about Agra... most known for the Taj Mahal... and got pumped up about seeing the sites and experiencing Holi. A little factoid about the Taj Mahal... it was built as a memorial monument to a lost love. What a declaration!

After the presentation, a smaller group of us headed to the Clay Pit. To be honest, I really  just wanted to go home. But... I said I would go... and low and behold there was one last chair waiting for me when I arrived.  I sat between Steph & Professor Doggett, and I enjoyed getting to talk more with Doggett. 

It is so hard for me to concentrate on classes these days. I just want the India trip to be here!!! :)